Twitter Chats – Fantastic for Insights and Visibility

Just two short months ago, I wrote Top 12 Twitter Chats by Day and already I participate in so many more that it needs to be updated. But that’s a post for another time, although I did want to take a moment to thank Robert Swanwick for both his Twitter Chat Schedule (where you can find MANY more than my top picks) and for his post on options for Twitter chat tools.

In my Jack of All Trades, Master of One post, I told you about #SMChat and my involvement there, but I’ve found a new (to me) Twitter Chat on travel that needs to be added to the Twitter chats that I try to participate in each week. Tomorrow, I will be hosting #TNI – nothing like jumping in with both feet to social media community chat moderation! Since I love to travel and my employer is an international travel medical, security, and assistance company, it makes sense both personally and professionally for me to not only join the chat, but to offer to moderate it for the founders. #TNI was founded by the ladies of – April, Rachel, and Sara Beth – and their site seems to be built for corporate travel planners as well as “Travel Addicts” like me.

T2 & T3: Adventure Travelers
T2 & T3: Adventure Travelers

Here are some questions I proposed for Thursday’s adventure travel topic:

  • What do you consider “adventure travel”?
  • What’s your favorite adventure travel activity & why?
  • Where are your favorite destinations for adventure travel?
  • What happens if you get hurt?

Anything else I should ask? What do you want to know about travel, especially adventure travel? Please join me at the #TNI Twitter chat this (and every) Thursday, 4/1/10, from 3:30-5P ET! (No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke. Yes, I do have a tendency to moderate on holidays.)

So…that’s great, @sharonmostyn is at it again by joining in the conversation with Twitter chats, but WHY? Well, as Meryl K. Evans pointed out when describing her list of Twitter chats, “Twitter group chats offer a clever and effective way to meet people with like interests and to share insights into the topic of discussion.” What better way to connect with people via social media who have the same interests and are willing to talk about it! If you’ve got something valuable to add to the conversation then it allows you to showcase your knowledge and perhaps be thought of as an industry leader or subject matter expert. I have learned so much in the chat sessions, and I like to think I have provided some valuable insights to those who participate as well.

Do you participate in Twitter chats? Why or why not? Please leave me a comment below and let me know…or come join the conversation during #TNI or #SMchat!