Affiliates & Social Media: #SMchat Topic July 2010

In November 2008, Dr. Ralph Wilson interviewed Affiliate Summit co-founder Shawn Collins and the video of that interview contains several great ideas that are still relevant and able to be implemented successfully today! Shawn talked about being a part of the community on Twitter (and all social media) and since it’s the last #SMchat I’m moderating before Affiliate Summit East 2010 so I wanted to find out the prevailing attitude of my community about affiliates in the social media sphere.

Are you an affiliate, merchant, network, in-house or outsourced program manager? Don’t know anything about affiliate programs, but want to learn more? Please share your opinion and your insights on affiliates and social media during #SMchat, Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 from 1-2P ET, and/or meet me at Affiliate Summit East 2010 (an affiliate link in honor of my affiliate friends) and let’s chat in person!

After introducing yourself and letting everyone know what your interest is in affiliate marketing (“just curious” is definitely an option here…), I’d love to know how you feel about affiliates using social media marketing. Here’s what I’m wondering:

1 ) Should affiliates be able to promote using social media? Why or why not?

2 ) Is there a social media channel that is better for affiliates to use? Which one(s)?

3 ) Can a merchant’s Terms and Conditions exclude affiliates advertising via certain social media activities? (How does that impact affiliate sign-ups, etc.?)

4 ) How should affiliates disclaim the FTC Revised Endorsement Rules in social media? Do they need to do it at all?

5 ) How do you monitor use/abuse of social media by affiliates? Are they allowed to link directly to your site similar to direct-to-merchant pay per click (DTM PPC)?

What other questions do you have? Please feel free to leave them in the comments below or ask them when you join us on 7/14/10 from 1-2P ET on the Twitter chat #SMchat – see you then!

Jack of All Trades or Master of One? #SMChat – My First Twitter Chat As Moderator

Twitter Chats
Twitter Chats, especially #SMChat, are great!

#SMChat is a Twitter chat which takes place on Wednesdays from 1-2:30P ET. Founded in May 2009 by Chris Jones, also known as @sourcePOV on Twitter, #SMChat is a lively discussion on all things related to social media. Chris asked me to provide strategy for Marketing topics on #SMChat and be the moderator for those topics where we didn’t have a guest moderator – I was thrilled to accept!

This St Patty’s Day, we didn’t talk about Leprechauns, we discussed jack-of-all-trades marketers vs. single-subject (i.e. email, affiliate, SEO, brand, PR, social media, etc.) marketing specialists. Here are the questions we discussed:
Intro: Welcome to #SMChat – tell us all about you!
Q1: We’ll start easy…Are you a Jack-of-all-Trades (JOAT) or a single-subject marketer?
Q2: Based on your Q1 answer, what are the benefits of being a JOAT or single-subject marketer?
Q3: Which do you think is better & why?
Q4: What are the HR implications – more/better jobs for one vs. the other? Room for advancement?
Q5: Are there Social Media advantages to one over the other?

Here is the Transcript from March 17, 2010 (All times are Pacific Time):
1:16 am CreativeSage: Thx for RTs?Join us Wed. 3/17, 1PM ET for #SMChat topic: Jack-of-All-Trades or Master of One? @sharonmostyn moderates:
2:19 am sourcepov: RT @CASUDI @bpluskowski “Love to host #smchat on Collab Leadership” .. I heard that 🙂 3/24 is free, plenty of time for framing. Let me know
2:38 am sourcepov: RT @Mandy_Vavrinak @hacool @sharonmostyn Hope to see my #blogchat friends WEDS 1-2:30P ET at #SMCHAT
2:42 am sourcepov: RT @kikilitalien @prophetwriter re: #SMCHAT next topic WEDS 1pEDT:
2:49 am deanmeistr: RT @CreativeSage: Join us Wed 3/17 1PM ET #SMChat topic: Jack-of-All-Trades or Master of One? @sharonmostyn moderates:
3:43 am TimsStrategy: @sourcepov Is that Social Media Chat? #SMCHAT ? Sounds interesting . . .
4:03 am VictorCanada: RT @sourcepov @Mandy_Vavrinak @hacool @sharonmostyn Hope to see my #blogchat friends WEDS 1-2:30P ET at #SMCHAT
4:44 am Mandy_Vavrinak: @VictorCanada @sourcepov @hacool @sharonmostyn thanks for the invite & reminder on #SMchat tomorrow. I’ll do my best 🙂
4:50 am correlationist: RT @Mandy_Vavrinak: @VictorCanada @sourcepov @hacool @sharonmostyn thanks for the invite & reminder on #SMchat tomorrow. I’ll do my best 🙂
5:10 am sourcepov: New comments on “Org Culture as Barrier to 2.0” (thanks for insights) #orgdev #e20 #gov20 #smchat
5:17 am hacool: @sourcePOV I hope to make it, esp. after missing a few during vacation, but it depends on length of meetings. #SMCHAT
11:47 am prophetwriter: RT @sourcepov: RT @kikilitalien @prophetwriter re: #SMCHAT next topic WEDS 1pEDT:
12:07 pm sharonmostyn: @atownley Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Hope it’s not freezing or raining to ruin your fun, but if it is you can always join us on #SMChat 🙂
12:11 pm sharonmostyn: Thx for RTs-see you at 1P ET for #SMChat! @tanyanoel @CreativeSage @deanmeistr @VictorCanada @correlationist @Mandy_Vavrinak @prophetwriter
12:14 pm sharonmostyn: @TimsStrategy In case @sourcePOV didn’t answer: #SMChat is social media. Today’s topic can be found at Hope to see you!
12:53 pm atownley: @sharonmostyn thanks, sharon. Sun’s actually trying to come out. Have the phone, so will still try and drop in. Need to get back to #smchat!
1:20 pm sourcepov: To drive innovative #marketing w/ #socialmedia don’t miss #SMCHAT 1pET w/ topic editor & mod @SharonMostyn #smm #brandchat
1:43 pm bpluskowski: New Post: How many arrows are in your Innovation Quiver? let me know! #smchat #innochat #innovation #strategy #wif09
2:26 pm sharonmostyn: RT @bpluskowski How many arrows are in your Innovation Quiver? let me know! #smchat #innochat #innovation #strategy
2:28 pm sharonmostyn: @eprussakov Always happy to RT great stuff! If you’re around at 1P ET would love your input on #SMChat. Info at
2:33 pm LauraMattis: Really looking forward to #SMChat @ 1pm Eastern and #SmallBizChat @ 8pm Eastern today though!
2:33 pm sharonmostyn: @eprussakov #SMChat is every Weds at 1P ET – topics vary, but I’ll be heading up the Marketing segments. Would love an affiliate #SMChat!
2:34 pm sharonmostyn: Glad to hear it! Me, too! RT @LauraMattis: Really looking forward to #SMChat @ 1pm Eastern and #SmallBizChat @ 8pm Eastern today though!
2:39 pm sharonmostyn: @eprussakov You can get a notification whenever there’s a new discussion topic posted via the #SMchat ning network at
2:40 pm sharonmostyn: I’ll have to ask @sourcePOV about starting a #SMChat mailing list! RT @eprussakov: Got a mailing list with advance notifications on topics?
2:51 pm realize_ink: Keep getting requests 4 last week’s “Soc Med for Change: From Convo 2 Action” #SMChat transcript. Here is it again:
2:54 pm realize_ink: Can’t wait for the brilliant @sharonmostyn to mod “Jack of all Trades or Master of One” #SMchat @ 1p ET. Qs: Join us!
3:00 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Glad to hear it! Me, too! RT @LauraMattis: Really looking forward to #SMChat @ 1pm Eastern and #SmallBizChat @ 8pm Eastern today though!
3:06 pm sharonmostyn: @realize_ink Thanks for the kind words and the #SMChat mention – see you at 1p ET?
3:08 pm realize_ink: @HeidiEKMassey G’morning! #4Change is tomorrow 3/18 5?7p ET – you’re gonna love this group. #SMchat is 1p ET today – also excellent.
3:08 pm realize_ink: @sharonmostyn Of course! 🙂 #SMChat
3:12 pm sharonmostyn: Hello #brandchat Branditos! I’m multi-tasking w/ #leadgen & getting ready for 1P ET #SMChat but it’s good to see you all!
3:13 pm HeidiEKMassey: RT @realize_ink: Last week’s “Soc Med for Change: From Convo 2 Action” #SMChat transcript:
3:16 pm sharonmostyn: @brandchat #SMChat is all about social media. I’m leading today’s chat: Jack-of-all-trades mktrs #brandchat
3:18 pm JDEbberly: RT @sharonmostyn: @brandchat #SMChat all abt socmed. I’m leading today’s chat: Jack-of-all-trades mktrs #Brandchat
3:29 pm TheRitterGroup: RT @HeidiEKMassey: RT @realize_ink: Last week’s “Soc Med for Change: From Convo 2 Action” #SMChat transcript:
3:30 pm sourcepov: Join #SMCHAT 1pEDT (90m) w/ topic editor & mod @SharonMostyn on Q40 Marketing Strategy: “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?”
3:41 pm MaryAnnHalford: @sharonmostyn i am in so much pain that i don’t think a gallon of green beer will help! will pop in on #smchat all the same!
3:42 pm sharonmostyn: @MaryAnnHalford Glad you’ll be at #smchat, but remember to Tweet responsibly! 😉 Hope you feel better soon…
3:44 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @sourcepov: Join #SMCHAT 1pEDT w/ topic editor & mod @SharonMostyn on Q40 Marketing Strategy: “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?”
3:53 pm correlationist: @sharonmostyn Hey Sharon. Is there a framing post for #smchat today?
3:55 pm sharonmostyn: Sure there is! RT @correlationist: @sharonmostyn Hey Sharon. Is there a framing post for #smchat today?
3:58 pm correlationist: RT @sharonmostyn: Sure there is! RT @correlationist: @sharonmostyn Hey Sharon. Is there a framing post for #smchat today?
4:03 pm StephanieSAM: Wish I could join this #SMChat on careers – jack-of-all-trades mktr vs. email mktr. Info at (via @sharonmoysten)
4:07 pm bpluskowski: RT @sourcepov: Join #SMCHAT 1pEDT (90m) w/ topic editor & mod @SharonMostyn on Q40 Marketing Strategy: “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?”
4:16 pm sharonmostyn: Just 45 mins until #SMChat “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?” More info at: See you there!
4:17 pm MicroSteph: Just 45 mins until #SMChat “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?” More info at: See you there! (via @sharonmostyn)
4:20 pm eribodeva: RT @sharonmostyn: Just 45 mins until #SMChat “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?” More info at: See you there!
4:20 pm sourcepov: Don’t miss #SMCHAT 1pEDT w/ @SharonMostyn for new SM Marketing series. Q40 framing here: #smm #marketing
4:21 pm eribodeva: @sharonmostyn thanks for sharing. I hope to catch the next one! #SMchat
4:26 pm sharonmostyn: @eribodeva Sounds good – #SMChat is every Wednesday at 1P ET. Topics change each week, but are always interesting!
4:36 pm MichaelWillett: RT @eribodeva RT @sharonmostyn 1PM ET: #SMChat “Jack of all Trades or Master of One?” More info at: See you there!
4:55 pm CreativeSage: Joining #SMChat starting now: topic: Jack-of-All-Trades or Master of One? @sharonmostyn moderates: #in #chatmixer
4:56 pm sharonmostyn: Hello and Happy St Patrick’s Day! I’m Sharon, today’s moderator, welcome to #SMChat – tell us all about you!
4:58 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Joining #SMChat #SM40 starting 1p ET: topic: Jack-of-All-Trades or Master of One? @sharonmostyn moderates:
4:58 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn is the hashtag #smchat or #sm40?
4:59 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Trying to get to #smchat but #tweetchat seems to be down…
5:00 pm sharonmostyn: @CathyWebSavvyPR Just #SMChat, please (#SM40 is about 11 weeks old for Hashtag Social Media – they used #SM51 this week)
5:00 pm sharonmostyn: You can find all of today’s #SMChat questions at:
5:01 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: You can find all of today’s #SMChat questions at:
5:02 pm sharonmostyn: @Gwen_Ishmael Oh no! You can always go old school to find #SMChat at
5:02 pm deanmeistr: Got off plane 20 min ago, now joining #smchat, so followers please be aware there may be a lot of tweeting from me in next hour.
5:02 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: I’m a 20 yr PR pro with a knack for Social Media strategy, & 4 making web 2.0 easy for indiv., small biz & non-profits #SMChat
5:03 pm realize_ink: #SMChat on now! Questions:
5:03 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Gwen_Ishmael you can try this tweetgird : just replay your @username 4 mine in rt column, #SMChat
5:04 pm correlationist: Hi! I am Prince. Here to soak up the dense brainy goodness served up by the cool #smchat folks :))
5:04 pm sharonmostyn: @CathyWebSavvyPR Welcome to #SMChat, Cathy!
5:04 pm realize_ink: @Gwen_Ishmael I’m following on tweetdeck today. So far, so good. #smchat #tweetchat
5:04 pm correlationist: #smchat, and btw, I am being told I have been suspended from Social Media chat…..????? cant get to the framing post!!
5:05 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: #SMChat Discussion – Jack-of-All-Trades or Master of One? Qus. at:
5:05 pm CreativeSage: I think this Q should be framed differently. It doesn’t have to be “jack of all trades” OR “jack of one”?it can be synthesis of 2-3. #smchat
5:06 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn Glad to be here – I may have 2 jump off early though {PS Tweetgrid is working fine} #SMChat
5:06 pm sharonmostyn: So we have a better idea of who is on #SMChat – please take the following 1 question poll:
5:06 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Let’s get started! Q1: We’ll start easy…Are you a Jack-of-all-Trades (JOAT) or a single-subject marketer? #SMChat
5:06 pm realize_ink: Hi. Rabia here from Realize Ink, a strat comms shop for nonprofits, changemakers & social entrepreneurs #SMChat
5:06 pm bpluskowski: Boris Pluskowski-author of -looking at intersection of Innovation, Collaboration,and Social Media #smchat
5:07 pm realize_ink: @correlationist LOL. What’d you do?? 🙂 #smchat
5:07 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @CreativeSage I think Q1 shld B framed diff. It doesn’t have 2 be “jack of all trades” OR “jack of 1”?it can be synthesis of 2-3 #SMChat
5:07 pm sharonmostyn: @correlationist Yikes! We’ll have to ask @sourcePOV about access to the framing post… You’ll see all of the questions here at #SMChat
5:07 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @CathyWebSavvyPR Thanks very much! #smchat
5:08 pm sharonmostyn: I’m a Jack-Of-All-Trades (JOAT), in 20 years in a small ad agency before coming to @MEDEX you learn a lot about everything! #SMChat
5:08 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Gwen Ishmael, SVP Insights & #Innovation @DecisionAnlayst in DFW – lotsa years in marketing 🙂 #smchat
5:08 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @CreativeSage I agree – I am a jack-of-all-trades (I’ll learn aything), but a master of 2-3. Mast of strategy – most imp? #SMChat
5:09 pm correlationist: I am clueless. Well, something out of the ordinary :)) RT @realize_ink: @correlationist LOL. What’d you do?? 🙂 #smchat
5:09 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: .@CreativeSage I agree – I am a jack-of-all-trades (I’ll learn anything), but a master of 2-3. Mast of strategy – most imp? #SMChat
5:10 pm sharonmostyn: Great point! RT @CreativeSage: It doesn’t have to be “jack of all trades” OR “jack of one”?it can be synthesis of 2-3. #smchat
5:10 pm CreativeSage: ..Also, it is possible to be deeply knowledgeable in more than one field, not just “surface” expertise. So, I’m going against the CW #smchat
5:10 pm Gwen_Ishmael: I’ve been in jall areas of marketing, too @sharonmostyn Never worked in a pricing dept, but just about everything else. #smchat
5:10 pm correlationist: @sharonmostyn Thanks Sharon! #smchat
5:10 pm johncloonan: John Cloonan, agency owner, Marketing Director at ZeroChaos, marketing professor at Shorter College. Obviously jack of all trades. #smchat
5:10 pm sharonmostyn: @CathyWebSavvyPR Definitely strategy is the important part of any marketing plan! #SMChat
5:11 pm CreativeSage: ..Especially today, for innovators, a business may start in one field and evolve into another, often true for large companies. #smchat
5:11 pm johncloonan: I think one has to have a little JOAT to do integrated marketing, and thus strategy. #smchat
5:12 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Q1: I think that in PR/Marketing – many of skills are transferrable – non-profit, small biz, B2B – but need to learn & adapt #SMChat
5:12 pm TNSinc: This topic looks interesting – #SMChat
5:12 pm bpluskowski: Innovation requires you to be a Jack of All Trades – so I guess that’s what I’m trying to be 🙂 #smchat
5:12 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @johncloonan: I think one has to have a little JOAT to do integrated marketing, and thus strategy. #smchat #SMChat
5:12 pm sharonmostyn: Looks like we have a lot of “masters of many” in today’s #SMChat – anyone a “master of one”?
5:12 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Same as @CathyWebSavvyPR . Been in lots of areas & I’d like to think I’ve mastered many of them. Happens as we get older… #smchat
5:12 pm CreativeSage: RT @bpluskowski: Innovation requires you to be a Jack of All Trades – so I guess that’s what I’m trying to be 🙂 #smchat
5:13 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: #ChatTip #1: favorite (mark w star) peps 2 follow or add to list later. #SMChat
5:13 pm correlationist: #smchat – I am the master of none :(( Is it important to have at least one core competence, I mean being really great at something?
5:13 pm sharonmostyn: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: #ChatTip #1: favorite (mark w star) peps 2 follow or add to list later. #SMChat
5:13 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Same as @CathyWebSavvyPR . Been in lots of areas & I’d like to think I’ve mastered many of them. Happens as we get older… #smchat
5:14 pm sharonmostyn: @jgoode Search for the hashtag #SMChat – you can find it on Tweetchat or
5:14 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Marketing done well integrates many things – therefore we should have great experience in multiple areas. #smchat
5:14 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn – @SmallBizLady says “niche to get rich,” but with Mrktg landscape changing so much = harder 2 do #SMChat
5:14 pm karimacatherine: Q1: I am a JOAT – My background is in Marketing and Project management #smchat
5:14 pm Brioneja: @sharonmostyn I think what is missing from your poll is “T” shaped people. Experts in one field but broad knowledge in others #smchat
5:15 pm sharonmostyn: RT @correlationist #smchat I am master of none :(( Is it impt to have at least 1 core competence, I mean being really great at something?
5:15 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @KimBrame join the chat? a tweetgrid link: #SMChat
5:15 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Marketing done well integrates many things – therefore we should have great experience in multiple areas. #smchat
5:15 pm johncloonan: Yeah, I think you do need to master one – marketing. #smchat Too many people out there who understand SM, but not basic marketing
5:15 pm CreativeSage: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn – @SmallBizLady says “niche to get rich,” but with Mrktg landscape changing so much = harder 2 do #SMChat
5:15 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn – @SmallBizLady says “niche to get rich,” but with Mrktg landscape changing so much = harder 2 do #SMChat
5:15 pm sharonmostyn: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Marketing done well integrates many things – therefore we should have great experience in multiple areas. #smchat
5:15 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn here is a tweetgrid set up – ust replace my name in right column: #SMChat
5:16 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Brioneja: @I think what is missing from your poll is “T” shaped ppl. Experts in 1 field but broad knowledge in others

[love it] #SMChat
5:16 pm CreativeSage: RE Q2, I think it is simpler to niche and market in one area, but if that’s not yr business model?or if it must evolve?not so simple #smchat
5:16 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja I love your concept: “T” shaped people. Experts in one field but broad knowledge in others” #SMChat
5:17 pm deanmeistr: @sharonmostyn there are also the centipedes (re @brioneja’s mention of the T’s) #smchat
5:17 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Agreed! RT johncloonan: …Too many people out there who understand SM, but not basic marketing #smchat
5:17 pm sharonmostyn: @jgoode RT @CathyWebSavvyPR here is a tweetgrid set up – just replace my name in right column: #SMChat
5:17 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: I think many of us were more masters of one area/subject before the economy tanked. budgets dried up, needs changed – we adapted #SMChat
5:17 pm bpluskowski: @johncloonan but there’s more to SM than just marketing …. #smchat
5:17 pm jgoode: I think to be a a good jack-of-all-trades one must be a master of multitasking – thanks for the invite @sharonmostyn #SMChat
5:17 pm sharonmostyn: Define, please? RT @deanmeistr: there are also the centipedes (re @brioneja’s mention of the T’s) #smchat
5:17 pm Brioneja: @sharonmostyn I think I fit “T” type with a broad multidisciplinary background from technical to commercial but some deep expertise #smchat
5:18 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Agreed! RT johncloonan: …Too many people out there who understand SM, but not basic marketing #smchat
5:18 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Determining SMROI is much, much easier if you understand the entire marketing process and its elements. #smchat
5:18 pm bpluskowski: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Brioneja: @I think what is missing from your poll is “T” shaped ppl. Experts in 1 field but broad knowledge in others [love it] #SMChat
5:18 pm SMSJOE: My focus is on “integration” the “Jack” part is just that part, building blocks #smchat
5:18 pm correlationist: RT @bpluskowski: @johncloonan but there’s more to SM than just marketing …. #smchat
5:18 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Determining SMROI is much, much easier if you understand the entire marketing process and its elements. #smchat
5:18 pm sharonmostyn: RT @SMSJOE: My focus is on “integration” the “Jack” part is just that part, building blocks #smchat
5:19 pm Brioneja: @sharonmostyn “T” Types is a concept popularized by IDEO #smchat
5:19 pm correlationist: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Determining SMROI is much, much easier if you understand the entire marketing process and its elements. #smchat
5:19 pm karimacatherine: Not good #tweetchat is down, #hootsuite, slow #smchat GRRRRRRRRRRR
5:19 pm CreativeSage: RT @Brioneja: @sharonmostyn I think I fit “T” type with a broad multidisciplinary background from technical to commercial but some deep expertise #smchat
5:19 pm sharonmostyn: You’re welcome! RT @jgoode: I think to be a a good jack-of-all-trades one must be a master of multitasking – thanks for the invite #SMChat
5:19 pm SMSJOE: @CreativeSage very true #smchat
5:19 pm karimacatherine: @bpluskowski : I agree! Social media is not only about Marketing #smchat
5:21 pm johncloonan: @bpluskowski Agreed, and there’s a lot more to marketing than SM, too. #smchat
5:21 pm correlationist: @SMSJOE so you can NOT have a domain expertise, and still thrive?? #smchat
5:21 pm correlationist: RT @johncloonan: @bpluskowski Agreed, and there’s a lot more to marketing than SM, too. #smchat
5:21 pm rickahardy: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Marketing done well integrates many things – therefore we should have great experience in multiple areas. #smchat
5:22 pm SMSJOE: @correlationist that isn’t what I said. I said for ME it is integration #smchat
5:22 pm CreativeSage: An ex-in #coaching industry, the conv. wisdom is to niche as much as poss., but I think that must change as more enter niches+evolve #smchat
5:22 pm mjayliebs: .@bpluskowski : Social media is a channel and medium – it is about engagement and dependent on the strategy of the group using it #smchat
5:22 pm searchguru: RT @johncloonan: #smchat Too many people out there who understand SM, but not basic marketing (Yup!)
5:23 pm Gwen_Ishmael: IMO mkting is about understanding hearts & minds, & delivering based on understanding. SM is a great way to understand & deliver #smchat
5:23 pm jgoode: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Marketing done well integrates many things – therefore we should have great experience in multiple areas. #smchat
5:23 pm deanmeistr: @sharonmostyn centipedes: multidisciplinary types with exp/skills in wide ranging areas that may not apparently be related. #smchat
5:23 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @mjayliebs: .@bpluskowski : Social media is a channel and medium – it is about engagement and dependent on the strategy of the group using it #smchat
5:24 pm CreativeSage: RT @deanmeistr: @sharonmostyn centipedes: multidisciplinary types with exp/skills in wide ranging areas that may not apparently be related. #smchat
5:24 pm sharonmostyn: RT @deanmeistr: centipedes: multidisciplinary types with exp/skills in wide ranging areas that may not apparently be related. #smchat
5:24 pm sharonmostyn: Let me rephrase Q3: Why would it be better to have a “concentration” in one area over another? #SMChat
5:24 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @deanmeistr: centipedes: multidisciplinary types with exp/skills in wide ranging areas that may not apparently be related #SMChat
5:24 pm correlationist: #smchat – More than domain or general expertize, it is the mindset that needs changing. Higher bandwidth of openness needed.
5:24 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Let me rephrase Q3: Why would it be better to have a “concentration” in one area over another? #SMChat
5:25 pm jgoode: Social Media is just 1 tool u should have in your arsenol when promoting ur biz – should be used to interact with clients/customers #SMChat
5:25 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: If you can find a niche – audience who needs 1 thing, & you know it well – you can focus yr mrktg & yr work #SMChat
5:25 pm MaryAnnHalford: #smchat @shronmostyn Q3 do you mean concentration in different marketing disciplines?
5:25 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @sharonmostyn Not sure it’s better. Those who concentrate in 1 area seem to have difficulty when an industry shifts. #smchat
5:26 pm sharonmostyn: #SMChat Examples: @deanmeistr “centipedes” wide multi-disciplinary vs. @brioneja “T” types experts in 1 field but broad knowledge in others?
5:26 pm sharonmostyn: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: If you can find a niche – audience who needs 1 thing, & you know it well – you can focus yr mrktg & yr work #SMChat
5:26 pm sharonmostyn: RT @correlationist #smchat More than domain or general expertize, it is the mindset that needs changing. Higher bandwidth of openness needed
5:26 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: @sharonmostyn Not sure it’s better. Those who concentrate in 1 area seem to have difficulty when an industry shifts. #smchat
5:26 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @CreativeSage: One solution: work in adjoining areas (i.e. PR, mktg+SM, or SM, collab. & inno); OR have different social network accts. (complex) #smchat
5:26 pm SMSJOE: @sharonmostyn i think it depends. i can see where concentration could be useful based on scale, scope, technical other issues #smchat
5:27 pm bpluskowski: Absol Agree RT @mjayliebs SM is a channel and medium – it is about engagement and dependent on the strategy of the group using it #smchat
5:27 pm realize_ink: RT @sharonmostyn: Let me rephrase Q3: Why would it be better to have a “concentration” in one area over another? #SMChat
5:27 pm searchguru: Marketing includes understanding demographics and mindset as well as when to engage #smchat
5:27 pm correlationist: Right, so do you still need a domain expertise? RT @SMSJOE: @correlationist that isn’t what I said. I said for ME it is integration #smchat
5:27 pm CreativeSage: RT @correlationist: #smchat – More than domain or general expertize, it is the mindset that needs changing. Higher bandwidth of openness needed.
5:27 pm wileyccoyote: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: .@CreativeSage I agree – I am a jack-of-all-trades (I’ll learn anything), but a master of 2-3 #SMChat
5:27 pm jgoode: Q3: Too much diversity makes for lack of focus, and to grow a business there needs to be a focus #SMChat
5:28 pm johncloonan: Broad exposure to a variety of industries and disciplines makes you agile and marketable. Concentration is a sustaining innov. #smchat
5:28 pm CreativeSage: RT @wileyccoyote: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: .@CreativeSage I agree – I am a jack-of-all-trades (I’ll learn anything), but a master of 2-3 #SMChat
5:28 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: Although I agree wth @creativesage – not sure concentration is better in 2day’s economy; need more flexibility #SMChat
5:28 pm Happywillow: RT @sharonmostyn: You’re welcome! RT @jgoode: I think to be a a good jack-of-all-trades one must be a master of multitasking – thanks for the invite #SMChat
5:28 pm correlationist: #smchat – are we talking about biz or people??
5:28 pm CreativeSage: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: Although I agree wth @creativesage – not sure concentration is better in 2day’s economy; need more flexibility #SMChat
5:29 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: although if you master 1-2 things, you can sub contract, refer biz, or hire skills U don’t have #SMChat
5:29 pm realize_ink: Q3 If you don’t hve certain concentration (we can’t all be masters of many), just be sure to collaborate w those who do. And listen! #SMChat
5:29 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: to @sharonmostyn: RT @correlationist: #smchat – Qu: are we talking about biz or people?? #SMChat
5:30 pm jgoode: I think concentration in 1 area is good, with the understanding that it needs to be constantly adapting for change @Gwen_Ishmael #SMChat
5:30 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Gwen_Ishmael @creative sage came up with master of 2-3 #SMChat
5:30 pm sharonmostyn: Seems we’re getting some #SMChat feedback that concentrating can be useful for business focus – which mktg discipline & why?
5:30 pm CreativeSage: It’s more complex managing different social network accts for different audiences. I decided not to do that for my own Twitter acct. #smchat
5:30 pm johncloonan: RT @mjayliebs: Diversity of knowledge cannot never be a bad thing, do not confuse with lack of focus #smchat
5:30 pm dc2fla: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: IMO mkting= understanding hearts & minds & delivering based on understanding. SM=great way 2understand & deliver #smchat
5:30 pm sharonmostyn: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: Q3: although if you master 1-2 things, you can sub contract, refer biz, or hire skills U don’t have #SMChat
5:30 pm sharonmostyn: RT @mjayliebs: Diversity of knowledge cannot never be a bad thing, do not confuse with lack of focus #smchat
5:30 pm jgoode: I agree RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Those with passion can master many. #smchat
5:31 pm deanmeistr: #smchat one of my favorite centipede examples: Paul Winchell: – actor and inventor, among other things.
5:31 pm Gwen_Ishmael: From a leadership perspctv, I’d rather have some1 w/ broad experience-imagine creating an SM strat w/out seeing the whole picture #smchat
5:31 pm sharonmostyn: @CathyWebSavvyPR @correlationist We’re talking about people concentrating on 1 (or more) areas of Marketing/Social Media. #SMChat
5:33 pm sharonmostyn: Me, too! RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage I have found that the networks I have in LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are very different #smchat
5:33 pm CreativeSage: RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage so I follow different engagement/posting strategies on each network #smchat
5:33 pm sharonmostyn: Q4: What are the HR implications – more/better jobs for one vs. the other? Room for advancement? #SMChat
5:34 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @searchguru: I see SM as an extension of SEO and marketing, as well as a way to understand audience. #SMChat
5:34 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mjayliebs: Diversity of knowledge cannot never be a bad thing, do not confuse with lack of focus #SMChat
5:34 pm jgoode: Rephrasing: It’s important to work in multiple areas of marketing @sharonmostyn #SMChat – confused, was thinking multiple areas in universe
5:34 pm CreativeSage: I agree @Brioneja – in fact, I keep experimenting w/diff approaches on various socnets. Just started a FB fan page (finally!) for CS #smchat
5:34 pm correlationist: RT @searchguru: I see SM as an extension of SEO and marketing, as well as a way to understand audience. #smchat
5:34 pm searchguru: Intense use of SM leads to loss of focus. Too much interaction can lead one astray. #smchat
5:34 pm CreativeSage: RT @bpluskowski: SM is a tool – not a strategy – enabling a new era of socialized business processes and global knowledge flows #smchat
5:34 pm mjayliebs: Diversity of networks is very powerful, helps to avoid ‘group think’ #smchat (my LI, Tw and FB are also very different) learn new from each)
5:34 pm sharonmostyn: RT @bpluskowski: SM is a tool – not a strategy – enabling a new era of socialized business processes and global knowledge flows #smchat
5:35 pm resetbusiness: Talk with Seth Godin, Gary Vee, Michael Eisner, Tom Peters and Anna Bernasek on 4/20 in NYC: #SMChat
5:35 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Q4 Definitely more room for advancement w/ JOAT. They work w/ more people (key) and are seen as flexible. #smchat
5:35 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn If you try and learn AND execute evrything – you can go crazy. But if you focus on integrated strategy = better #SMChat
5:35 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Q4: What are the HR implications – more/better jobs for one vs. the other? Room for advancement? #SMChat
5:36 pm sharonmostyn: @jgoode If you (for example) concentrate in Affiliate marketing, is it important to know all about PR, email, social media, etc? #SMChat
5:36 pm CreativeSage: One book helpful for the multi-talented is “Scanners: Refuse to Choose” by @BarbaraSher – she says not to give up anything you love. #smchat
5:36 pm jgoode: Exactly! RT @bpluskowski: SM is a tool – not a strategy – enabling new era of socialized business processes & global knowledge flows #smchat
5:36 pm searchguru: LOL, I must be a centipide then, SEO, cybrarian, marketing… #smchat
5:36 pm realize_ink: @correlationist I think many use “expert” “master” rather liberally. Seems these days every1’s an expert, yet few actually deliver. #smchat
5:37 pm searchguru: @sharonmostyn wouldn’t it depend on the specific product that you are affiliate for? #smchat
5:37 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @realize_ink: @correlationist I think many use “expert” “master” rather liberally. Seems these days every1’s an expert, yet few actually deliver. #smchat
5:37 pm sharonmostyn: RT @realize_ink: I think many use “expert” “master” rather liberally. Seems these days every1’s an expert, yet few actually deliver. #smchat
5:37 pm jgoode: Absolutely! it’s important to know a variety of angles and methods of marketing – they intertwin, constantly @sharonmostyn #smchat
5:37 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn @Brioneja – althouhg Twitter, LinkedIn & FB are different – the strategy of ID audience & their needs is same cont’d #SMChat
5:37 pm CreativeSage: The SM “strategy” comes in figuring out how to integrate SM tools with PR, marketing, fund-raising, collaboration, innovation, etc. #smchat
5:38 pm CreativeSage: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Q4: What are the HR implications – more/better jobs for one vs. the other? Room for advancement? #SMChat
5:38 pm correlationist: @deanmeistr Cool! But did he consider puppeteering-performance as his best asset?? #smchat
5:38 pm Brioneja: @bpluskowski I agree on the difference between tools and strategy. Also see that issue in innovation #smchat
5:38 pm jgoode: RT @correlationist I think many use “expert” “master” rather liberally. Seems these days every1s an expert yet few actually deliver #smchat
5:38 pm correlationist: RT @CreativeSage: The SM “strategy” comes in figuring out how to integrate SM tools with PR, marketing, fund-raising, collaboration, innovation, etc. #smchat
5:38 pm deanmeistr: #smchat JOAT over 1 dominant area can change over time. You have to allow for ambiguity of expertise that rises/falls w/changing environment
5:38 pm CreativeSage: RT @sharonmostyn: Me, too! I have found that networks I have in LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are very different #smchat
5:38 pm EGoddess: RT @searchguru: I highly recommend @briansolis new book Engage! for better understanding of SM and relationship building #smchat
5:38 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @jgoode: Exactly! RT @bpluskowski: SM is a tool – not a strategy – enabling new era of socialized business processes & global knowledge flows #smchat
5:39 pm bpluskowski: I unfortunately have to drop out early today all – thanks for the engaging discussion & thanks to @sharonmostyn for moderating 🙂 #smchat
5:39 pm Brioneja: @bpluskowski Latest and greatest tool is fashionable, companies shape their strategies around the tool instead of the reverse #smchat
5:39 pm deanmeistr: @correlationist I can’t answer that for him, frankly. He was excellent, obviously, in more than one. #smchat
5:39 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn & @Brioneja: the execution & audiences are different/some overlap. #SMChat
5:39 pm sharonmostyn: @searchguru IMO it doesn’t matter what you market for, as long as you know what works best for your audience. #SMChat
5:40 pm Brioneja: @realize_ink that is the case with the proliferation of social media “experts”. This is due to the newness of the field. #smchat
5:40 pm sharonmostyn: RT @CreativeSage SM “strategy” comes in figuring out how to integrate SM tools w/ PR, mktg, fund-raising, collaboration, innov, etc. #smchat
5:40 pm jgoode: RT @CreativeSage: RT @sharonmostyn: Me, too! I have found that networks I have in LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are very different #smchat
5:40 pm mjayliebs: Do you need a SM strategy? Or do you need a strategy to meet biz objectives and use SM appropriately to meet objectives #smchat
5:40 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @CreativeSage The SM “strategy” comes in figuring how 2 integrate SM tools w/ PR, marketing, fund-raising, collab., innov… #SMChat
5:40 pm CreativeSage: ..The strategy element of SM is how to move most effectively to reach specific business goals – ROE (engagement) as well as ROI. #smchat
5:41 pm deanmeistr: #smchat consider this: multilingual skills is a JOAT situation, as culture/languages are different..find comfort/bridges between them.
5:41 pm CreativeSage: RT @EGoddess: RT @searchguru: I highly recommend @briansolis new book Engage! for better understanding of SM and relationship building #smchat
5:41 pm correlationist: @deanmeistr LOL!! Of course :)) #smchat
5:41 pm Brioneja: @realize_ink most of them will fade away once social media becomes incorporated as just another way of doing business #smchat
5:41 pm ginaruiz: RT @searchguru: RT @johncloonan: Broad exposure to a variety of industries and disciplines makes you agile and marketable. #smchat
5:41 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @mjayliebs: Do U need a SM strategy? Or do U need a strategy 2 meet biz objectives & use SM appropriately 2 meet objectives [YES #SMChat
5:41 pm sharonmostyn: True RT @mjayliebs Do you need a SM strategy? Or do you need a strat to meet biz objectives & use SM appropriately to meet objective #smchat
5:41 pm karimacatherine: RT @deanmeistr: #smchat consider this: multilingual skills is a JOAT situation, as culture/languages are different..find comfort/bridges between them.
5:41 pm jgoode: RT @CreativeSage SM “strategy” comes in figuring out how to integrate SM tools w/ PR, mktg, fund-raising, collaboration, innov, etc. #smchat
5:41 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @mjayliebs Perhaps an SM plan that supports the overall strategy. No formal plan often means misuse of SM. #smchat
5:42 pm sharonmostyn: @bpluskowski Thanks for joining us on #SMChat
5:42 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @mjayliebs that is a gold star question comment for me on this chat! great way to frame it #SMChat
5:42 pm 2020_Innovation: RT @CreativeSage: One book helpful for the multi-talented is “Scanners: Refuse to Choose” by @BarbaraSher – she says not to give up anything you love. #smchat
5:42 pm MaryAnnHalford: @sharonmostyn @creativesage – SM “strategy” I would add traditional and digital media to social media integration #smchat #smchat
5:42 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @CreativeSage: ..The strategy element of SM is how to move most effectively to reach specific business goals – ROE (engagement) as well as ROI. #smchat
5:42 pm Gwen_Ishmael: RT @CreativeSage: One book helpful for the multi-talented is “Scanners: Refuse to Choose” by @BarbaraSher – she says not to give up anything you love. #smchat
5:42 pm searchguru: RT @mjayliebs: Do you need SM strategy? Or do you need astrategy to meet biz objectives and use SM appropriately to meet objectives #smchat
5:42 pm karimacatherine: I think the word Strategy must be the most misused word in the word. #smchat
5:42 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: @mjayliebs Perhaps an SM plan that supports the overall strategy. No formal plan often means misuse of SM. #smchat
5:43 pm realize_ink: @Brioneja Completely agree! Then they’ll morph into experts on the newest tool/comms channel #smchat
5:43 pm karimacatherine: RT @CreativeSage: ..The strategy element of SM is how to move most effectively to reach specific business goals – ROE (engagement) as well as ROI. #smchat
5:43 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Ah, yes! RTkarimacatherine I think the word Strategy must be the most misused word in the word. #smchat
5:43 pm 4byoung: RT @CreativeSage SM “strategy” comes in figuring out how 2 integrate SM tools w- PR, mktg, collaborating, innovation, etc. #smchat
5:43 pm sharonmostyn: RT @MaryAnnHalford: @sharonmostyn @creativesage – SM “strategy” I would add traditional & digital media to social media integration #smchat
5:43 pm Brioneja: @mjayliebs Strategy comes first. Social Media is a tool to be used on the implementation of the strategy #smchat
5:43 pm karimacatherine: What is needed in SM integration. SOcial Media alone will not do much ! #smchat
5:44 pm correlationist: @realize_ink @jgoode I agree about the “experts” out there :)) #smchat
5:44 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @mjayliebs or U need 2 integrate social media into yr existing strategy appropriately & adjust 2 ach. biz objectives #SMChat
5:44 pm jgoode: I think there are strategies within strategies – Biz objs – Marketing plan/strat – SM Strat – Confs, etc. @sharonmostyn @mjayliebs #smchat
5:44 pm Gwen_Ishmael: I agree, Jose! RTBrioneja @mjayliebs Strategy comes first. Social Media is a tool to be used on the implementation of the strategy #smchat
5:44 pm searchguru: @CreativeSage but how can you measure ROE? #smchat
5:44 pm sharonmostyn: Have to get my hands on a copy of @CreativeSage & @searchguru ‘s reading lists! 🙂 #SMChat
5:44 pm mjayliebs: RT @jgoode: I think there are strategies within strategies – Biz objs – Marketing plan/strat – SM Strat – Confs, etc. @sharonmostyn @mjayliebs #smchat
5:45 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @mjayliebs To me that question “Was” the answer – I’d say you hit the Social Meida nail on the head! #SMChat
5:45 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: #ChatTip #1: favorite (mark w star) peps 2 follow or add to list later. #SMChat
5:45 pm CreativeSage: I agree, @sharonmostyn – SM strategy includes how you integrate traditional & digital media to reach specific business goals. #smchat
5:45 pm jgoode: The difference is, Social Media / Social networking is “social” – interactive – while traditional media is one sided conversation #smchat
5:45 pm SMSJOE: agree RT @karimacatherine: What is needed in SM integration. SOcial Media alone will not do much ! #smchat
5:45 pm sharonmostyn: RT @karimacatherine Unless we work in very specialized field, no1 can afford not to be a generalist. have to adapt faster & faster #smchat
5:45 pm karimacatherine: Gwen_Ishmael: Ah, yes! RT@ karimacatherine I think the word Strategy must be the most misused word in the word. #smchat
5:46 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:46 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @jgoode: I think there are strategies within strategies – Biz objs – Marketing plan/strat – SM Strat – Confs, etc. #SMChat
5:46 pm dc2fla: @sharonmostyn Is a concentration necessarily better? I don’t think. JOATs work w/specialists & v.v. #smchat
5:46 pm correlationist: I agree!! @sharonmostyn Have to get my hands on a copy of @CreativeSage & @searchguru ‘s reading lists! 🙂 #SMChat
5:46 pm sharonmostyn: RT @jgoode: The difference is, Social Media / Social networking is “social” – interactive – while traditional media is 1-sided convo #smchat
5:46 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR There is some overlap on networks but only power users are active across all of them #smchat
5:46 pm correlationist: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:46 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Would love this! Maybe post on Ning! RTsharonmostyn Have to get my hands on a copy of @CreativeSage & @searchguru ‘s reading lists! #SMChat
5:47 pm 4byoung: RT @Gwen_Ishmael Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:47 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR Most people pick one and do most of their activity on it. Even if they are members of more than one #smchat
5:47 pm CreativeSage: For instance, my bus. changed from PR/mktg to SM & mgmt. consulting w/ #innovation specialty + I added exec/creative coaching cert. #smchat
5:47 pm deanmeistr: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:47 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @karimacatherine I am now work w/ a web diesigner 2 help craft & integrate SM strategy into existing mktg strategy 4 a client #SMChat
5:47 pm sharonmostyn: Good point! RT @dc2fla: Is a concentration necessarily better? I don’t think. JOATs work w/specialists & v.v. #smchat
5:48 pm CreativeSage: ..The changes in my business may have been initially confusing but now I find clients “get it” and I respond to what they need/want. #smchat
5:48 pm realize_ink: @dc2fla Yes. Key to success is collaboration b/t JOAT & specialists. #smchat
5:48 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja Agree – there is some overlap btwppl on LI, Tw, FB & often different ppl use ea. network 4 diff. things #SMChat
5:48 pm jgoode: My new mantra for my day: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:48 pm sharonmostyn: Not enough time RT @Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR Most people pick 1 & do most of their activity on it. Even if members of more than 1 #smchat
5:49 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Gwen_Ishmael Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #SMChat
5:49 pm searchguru: RT @realize_ink: @dc2fla Yes. Key to success is collaboration b/t JOAT & specialists. #smchat
5:49 pm CreativeSage: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Maybe post on Ning! RTsharonmostyn Have to get my hands on a copy of @CreativeSage & @searchguru ‘s reading lists! #SMChat
5:49 pm TBlinkedin: RT @sharonmostyn: Me, too! I have found that networks I have in LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are very different #smchat
5:49 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR described % of members that were actually active on the network #smchat
5:49 pm deanmeistr: Constant updating/review is vital. Who planned for location-based SM and augmented reality in SM 12 months ago? 24 months ago?#smchat
5:50 pm karimacatherine: How many people do what the job description says? #smchat
5:50 pm sharonmostyn: @Gwen_Ishmael Great idea – please post your reading lists on @CreativeSage @searchguru & all #SMChat crew!
5:50 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR Unfortunately it did not provide demographics, but that would be invaluable information #smchat
5:50 pm mjayliebs: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Technically, here’s the hierarchy: Vision, mission, strategy, [ add – Goals, Objectives] plan, tactics #smchat
5:50 pm SMSJOE: executed holisticaly RT @jgoode: My new mantra for my day: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:50 pm searchguru: And some types of biz do better on Facebook than others #smchat
5:50 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @dc2fla Yes – that is waht is happening with me – I have 2 yr PR bkgrnd 2 inform my Social Media skills – working w specialists #SMChat
5:50 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR current demographic information on SM networks not very useful, because only a fraction of those are active #smchat
5:51 pm CreativeSage: I’m actually posting a reading list this wk. on my own Ning at: (plug!). I can copy some for #smchat 🙂
5:51 pm TNSinc: RT @karimacatherine: How many people do what the job description says? #smchat
5:51 pm sharonmostyn: @dc2fla I guess my question is – who becomes a specialist & why? They seem to underrepresented on #SMChat cc @realize_ink @searchguru
5:51 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR what is needed is the demographic information of users that are really active, not just those that signed up #smchat
5:51 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja I have seen so of theose demographic studies that say % of ppl on various networks who are active – haven’t seena gd 1 #SMChat
5:51 pm mjayliebs: .@karimacatherine Don’t let your title or Job Descr get in the way of getting what needs to be done, done. #smchat
5:51 pm sharonmostyn: RT @SMSJOE: executed holisticaly RT @jgoode: My new mantra for my day: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
5:51 pm aCEOangel: RT @jgoode: I agree RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Those with passion can master many. #smchat
5:52 pm CreativeSage: RT @sharonmostyn: @Gwen_Ishmael Great idea – please post your reading lists on @CreativeSage @searchguru & all #SMChat crew!
5:52 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja With Twitter 0 it is hard to track, as ther seems to be no way to track those ung 3rd party tools #SMChat
5:52 pm correlationist: So, just find out your hub (specific to biz/ind), & build a social web strategy around it. @cathywebsavvypr @brioneja @sharonmostyn #smchat
5:52 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Gwen_Ishmael another Gold star idea rom today’s chat (in my books) #SMChat
5:52 pm 4byoung: @deanmeistr True. And much more to come beyond geo-location, & AR -Internet of Things, new interface devices, predictive Web #smchat
5:52 pm rfrolick: Strategy = Where are we going and how are we going to get there #smchat
5:52 pm MicheBel: RT @CreativeSage: RT @sharonmostyn: Me, too! I have found that networks I have in LinkedIn, Facebook & Twitter are very different #smchat
5:53 pm sharonmostyn: Final “official” #SMChat Q5: Are there Social Media advantages to specializing? How does it impact the time you can devote?
5:53 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @correlationist: So, just find out your hub (specific to biz/ind), & build a social web strategy around it. [Agree] #SMChat
5:53 pm correlationist: RT @mjayliebs: .@karimacatherine Don’t let your title or Job Descr get in the way of getting what needs to be done, done. #smchat
5:53 pm CreativeSage: I agree with @@dc2fla – often, JOATs collaborate with specialists, especially when it comes to needing specific industry knowledge. #smchat
5:53 pm karimacatherine: @mjayliebs : That is my point. we rarely do what we are hired to do. So we better put some creativity,drive and good will into it #smchat
5:53 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR Twitter usage and growth stats demographic info needed #smchat
5:54 pm jgoode: @sharonmostyn generalizing: 1 focus: the concentration is their job – JOTs: are the owner of the message (biz owners, etc.) #smchat
5:54 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @correlationist Connecting the social media dots from TW, LI, FB & blog 2 be powerful 4 my own solo PR marketing #SMChat
5:54 pm CreativeSage: RT @sharonmostyn: Final “official” #SMChat Q5: Are there Social Media advantages to specializing? How does it impact the time you can devote?
5:54 pm 2020_Innovation: “Connect & develop” is a very powerful tool for discerning and validating innovation through social networking and hubs #smchat
5:55 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Brioneja: Twitter usage and growth stats demographic info needed #smchat #SMChat
5:55 pm 4byoung: Agreed. RT @Brioneja @CathyWebSavvyPR what is needed is demographic info of users that are really active #smchat
5:55 pm searchguru: Q5: danger in being too specialized in one network, as it can always implode #smchat\
5:55 pm sharonmostyn: Good article by @CrisBuckley “You are not your job description” #SMChat
5:55 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Q5 Great Q! I think *now* there are advantages to specializing becz of steep learning curves. However, that could change over time. #smchat
5:55 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @sharonmostyn: Final “official” Q5 Are there Social Media advantages 2 specializing? How does it impact the time you can devote? #SMChat
5:55 pm CreativeSage: RE Q5 – It does take more time to do SM/networking in more than one area or to more than 1 audience?must change focus, be efficient #smchat
5:55 pm sharonmostyn: Love it! RT @jgoode generalizing: 1 focus: the concentration is their job – JOTs: are the owner of the message (biz owners, etc.) #smchat
5:55 pm jgoode: @sharonmostyn there’s always advantages to specializing (in anything), more expertise, connections, trust, etc. #smchat
5:56 pm shivsiroya: @CreativeSage @Gwen_Ishmael I think especially now its more important to collaborate and improve vs. reinvent, what do u think? #smchat
5:56 pm NahumG: RT @CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @Brioneja: Twitter usage and growth stats demographic info needed #smchat #SMChat
5:56 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Gotta scoot. If interested tomorrow’s noon EST #Innochat – Can We Learn 2B Innovative? w/ @PaulSloane (“How 2B A Brilliant Thinker”) #smchat
5:56 pm CreativeSage: RT @jgoode: @sharonmostyn there’s always advantages to specializing (in anything), more expertise, connections, trust, etc. #smchat
5:56 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja Stats are helpful but not complete – I registered 2 other accounts when I registered, only tweet occasionally. #SMChat
5:56 pm Brioneja: @mjayliebs well, that is not my area of expertise, but I need to know who is actually using each network to shape strategy in SM #smchat
5:56 pm searchguru: My focus is organic SEO and SM for biz #smchat
5:57 pm atownley: @Gwen_Ishmael Specializing in what ways, Gwen? #smchat
5:57 pm CreativeSage: It is a bit different when you run your own business vs. having a job?you have to be more JOAT ’til you can hire or subcontract. #smchat
5:58 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Q5: I think you need to specialize when new, learn 1-2 SM things well, then open up 2 JOAT? It all takes time #SMChat
5:58 pm dc2fla: @CreativeSage SM/networking in more than 1 area/more than 1 audience brings unexpected connections to light. Invaluable. #smchat
5:58 pm correlationist: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Gotta scoot. If interested tomorrow’s noon EST #Innochat – Can We Learn 2B Innovative? w/ @PaulSloane (“How 2B A Brilliant Thinker”) #smchat
5:58 pm karimacatherine: RT @CreativeSage: It is a bit different when you run your own business vs. having a job?you have to be more JOAT ’til you can hire or subcontract. #smchat
5:58 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @sharonmostyn Excellent moderating today – kept pulling in new POV. Love being here as often as I can. #smchat
5:58 pm mjayliebs: @Brioneja – fair enough, it is about who is there now, and who will be there tomorrow – part dem, part sociographic #smchat
5:58 pm 4byoung: Re Q5: Specializing on specific apps may be good short-term. Should have plan to manage innovation long-term. #smchat
5:58 pm jgoode: yep! RT @CreativeSage: is different when own biz vs. having a job?you have to be more JOAT ’til you can hire or subcontract. #smchat
5:58 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @CreativeSage: It is a bit different when you run your own biz vs. having a job?U have 2 be more JOAT ’til U can hire/subcontract #SMChat
5:58 pm Gwen_Ishmael: My POV 2 RTCathyWebSavvyPR Think you need to specialize when new, learn 1-2 SM things well, then open up 2 JOAT? It all takes time #SMChat
5:59 pm mjayliebs: really enjoyed #smchat, sorry I cannot participate more often
5:59 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @searchguru: My focus is organic SEO and SM for biz – so you specialize? #SMChat
5:59 pm deanmeistr: RT @CreativeSage: different when you run your own business vs. having a job?have to be more JOAT ’til you can hire or subcontract. #smchat
5:59 pm CreativeSage: .@shivsiroya It depends on what’s happening, if industry is evolving – then you must reinvent or at least evolve. #smchat
5:59 pm dc2fla: RT @CreativeSage running your own business vs. having a job?you have to be more JOAT ’til you can hire or subcontract. #smchat
5:59 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @sharonmostyn can I pitch who is on #smallbizchat tonight? #SMChat
6:00 pm correlationist: #smchat Q5. No, you cannot specialize. In this age of fragmented channels, you need to find your target wherever they are, & engage!
6:00 pm b2bbloggers: #smchat [pardon the interuption – for a useful plug] Next Wed 3/24 7:00PM EST @briansolis joins me for a #B2Bbookclub discussion of Engage
6:00 pm jeremyvictor: #smchat [pardon the interuption – for a useful plug] Next Wed 3/24 7:00PM EST @briansolis joins me for a #B2Bbookclub discussion of Engage
6:00 pm shivsiroya: @sharonmostyn i think it allows u to put in less time, instead of sending hundreds of msgs u can send specific to targeted groups #smchat
6:00 pm correlationist: #smchat – I am surprised why Youtube is not featured as a fundamental part of an SM strategy. Future is mobile, and video :)) #smchat
6:00 pm CreativeSage: RT @dc2fla: SM/networking in more than 1 area/more than 1 audience brings unexpected connections to light. Invaluable. #smchat
6:01 pm 4byoung: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: If interested Thurs noon EST #Innochat -Can We Learn 2B Innovative? w/ @PaulSloane: How 2B A Brilliant Thinker #smchat
6:01 pm medex: Oh no! It appears that I (@sharonmostyn) am over my Tweeting limit but thanks to all for a wonderful #SMChat
6:01 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja Neilsen, Forrester Research & Marketingsherpa all havegod demographic reports – (google – not sure of my spelling #SMChat
6:01 pm jgoode: RT @dc2fla: SM/networking in more than 1 area/more than 1 audience brings unexpected connections to light. Invaluable. #smchat
6:01 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @atownley Hey there, stranger! Good to see you! Not sure I’m tied into the right “specializing” tweet. Can you say more? #smchat
6:01 pm shivsiroya: @CreativeSage true! I agree that we need to evolve and adapt, but easier to do so with collaborations vs starting out fresh #smchat
6:02 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @medex: Oh no! It appears that I/host (@sharonmostyn) am over my Tweeting limit but thanks to all for a wonderful #SMChat
6:02 pm deanmeistr: #smchat Q5 also must take into account that some lean towards specialization within their personality type. Others not? Nature/nurture? 🙂
6:02 pm CreativeSage: .@correlationist I agree, mobile & video are key, and SM strategy needs to take advantage of opps there. #smchat
6:02 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR are those for active users or just for signed up members? #smchat
6:02 pm CreativeSage: RT @deanmeistr: #smchat Q5 also must take into account that some lean towards specialization within their personality type. Others not? Nature/nurture? 🙂
6:02 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Tonight on #smallbizchat 8-9p ET @Colleendebaise Small Biz Editor, @WSJ Starting a Small Biz in this Economy see @smallbizchat #SMChat
6:02 pm correlationist: RT @CreativeSage: .@correlationist I agree, mobile & video are key, and SM strategy needs to take advantage of opps there. #smchat
6:02 pm karimacatherine: @deanmeistr : I could not agree more. it is about what you are good at and your temperament. #smchat
6:03 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @CreativeSage: I agree, mobile & video are key, and SM strategy needs to take advantage of opps there. #smchat #SMChat
6:03 pm CreativeSage: RT @shivsiroya: @CreativeSage true! I agree that we need to evolve and adapt, but easier to do so with collaborations vs starting out fresh #smchat
6:03 pm medex: You can find today’s #SMChat transcript at
6:03 pm jgoode: Nice to meet a new group of people vis #SMChat – Looking forward to twitter with you all more in the future
6:03 pm correlationist: @deanmeistr which is where HR should play a huge role in corporations, no?? #smchat
6:03 pm 4byoung: True RT @correlationist I’m surprised why Youtube isn’t featured as fundamental part of SM strategy. Future is mobile & video #smchat
6:03 pm atownley: @Gwen_Ishmael Hiya! 🙂 Just curious what you meant by “need to specialize.” What ways in particular, b/c could go many diff dirs #smchat
6:04 pm Brioneja: @correlationist I agree that video should be very high on priority list for SM strategy #smchat
6:04 pm CreativeSage: In fact, as @dc2fla said, delving deeper into SM brought new connections to light for me, which prompted me to change my bus. focus. #smchat
6:04 pm deanmeistr: RT @correlationist: I am surprised why Youtube is not featured as a fundamental part of an SM strategy. Future is mobile, &video :)) #smchat
6:04 pm Brioneja: @correlationist BTW, I have found this a good way to differentiate between social media “experts” #smchat
6:04 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja The chart U sent said lked at 19M Tw accts – has 10 followers, follows 10 ppl, & has 10 tweets (I know many have 2 accts) #SMChat
6:04 pm searchguru: @correlationist video is part of SM tactics, but YouTube not the best. Check out for best tool . #smchat
6:05 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @CreativeSage yes, same here. I have added blog strategy, set up and basic design(sub cont f need more design), but hire 4 video #SMChat
6:05 pm Brioneja: @correlationist if all they talk about is Facebook and Twitter, but not YouTube and Flickr, they have a very limited SM view #smchat
6:05 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @correlationist: I am surprised why Youtube is not featured as a fundamental part of an SM strategy. Future is mobile, &video #SMChat
6:05 pm deanmeistr: @correlationist Prob some new form of HR that really gets HUMANS, not flat org chart structures, IMHO #smchat
6:06 pm correlationist: Meaning SMChat?? RT @Brioneja: @correlationist BTW, I have found this a good way to differentiate between social media “experts” #smchat
6:06 pm searchguru: @CathyWebSavvyPR yes, must specialize in larger field (organic SEO), but picked a spec. niche in SM #smchat
6:06 pm realize_ink: Gotta hop off. Thx @sharonmostyn for excellent mod & crew for another great #SMChat
6:06 pm CreativeSage: I think you always need to find out where your audience is and target there?bottom line. Use networks, media & tools they use first. #smchat
6:06 pm correlationist: Thx. Will check it out :)) RT @searchguru: @correlationist Check out for best tool . #smchat
6:06 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @correlationist agree – youtube audio video need 2 be more prominent & mobile – maybe we are being old sch SM – next wave? #SMChat
6:07 pm eribodeva: RT @sharonmostyn: RT @SMSJOE: executed holisticaly RT @jgoode: My new mantra for my day: RT @Gwen_Ishmael: Vision, mission, strategy, plan, tactics #smchat
6:07 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @searchguru: yes, must specialize in larger field (organic SEO), but picked a spec. niche in SM #SMChat
6:07 pm atownley: @Brioneja Don’t forget the bookmarking sites either #smchat
6:07 pm correlationist: Absolutely !! RT @deanmeistr: @correlationist Prob some new form of HR that really gets HUMANS, not flat org chart structures, IMHO #smchat
6:07 pm CreativeSage: RT @deanmeistr: @correlationist Prob some new form of HR that really gets HUMANS, not flat org chart structures, IMHO #smchat
6:07 pm karimacatherine: RT @deanmeistr: @correlationist Prob some new form of HR that really gets HUMANS, not flat org chart structures, IMHO #smchat
6:08 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @atownley I must admit that I use bookmarking more for myself, and 2 help clients uncover info to add to their sm stream #SMChat
6:08 pm Brioneja: @CathyWebSavvyPR the key is that spectrum of signed up members may have little correlation with the spectrum of active users #smchat
6:08 pm deanmeistr: Also, SM will have more collaborative curation happen in the future, with new tools coming. Narrow or widen the stream to taste. #smchat
6:08 pm ideasurge: @jkloren Is there any brainstorming going on re: an #innochat / #smchat conference? I know @innovate mentioned something to me about NY?
6:08 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @atownley But I should use them more – bookmarking sites can be powerful for driving traffic #SMChat
6:09 pm karimacatherine: @deanmeistr: You are so dead on ! I coulnt agree more with you #smchat
6:09 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @Brioneja interesting idea #SMChat
6:09 pm atownley: @CathyWebSavvyPR Also for knowing how your customers are relating you & your content to the way they think as well as others #smchat
6:10 pm searchguru: @CathyWebSavvyPR StumbleUpon esp. good for traffic #smchat
6:10 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @atownley sm bkmarking Also for knowing how your customers are relating you & your content 2 the way they think as well as others #SMChat
6:10 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @searchguru: @CathyWebSavvyPR StumbleUpon esp. good for traffic #smchat #SMChat
6:10 pm searchguru: But I have been doing “social” media since 1994, so have a longer view than most #smchat
6:10 pm deanmeistr: @karimacatherine Thanks! I hate when useful stuff that’s ambiguous/edgy gets flattened like a pancake to serve the mean. #smchat
6:11 pm CreativeSage: .@ideasurge @jkloren I set up a group & apps to work on #smchat #innochat & other unconference ideas at
6:11 pm correlationist: RT @deanmeistr: @karimacatherine Thanks! I hate when useful stuff that’s ambiguous/edgy gets flattened like a pancake to serve the mean. #smchat
6:12 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: our host @sharonmostyn got locked out of TW 4 an 1 hr. I’m sure she’d invite all back to #SMchat nextweek ck #SMChat
6:12 pm dc2fla: @CathyWebSavvyPR StumbleUpon=great for traffic Delicious for sharing w/customers & research #smchat
6:12 pm karimacatherine: @searchguru : 1994 bring us back far but it essentially says that social media is not new. mass adoption by mainstream is #smchat
6:12 pm CreativeSage: RT @deanmeistr: @karimacatherine Thanks! I hate when useful stuff that’s ambiguous/edgy gets flattened like a pancake to serve the mean. #smchat
6:12 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @CreativeSage: I set up a group & apps to work on #smchat #innochat & unconference ideas at #SMChat
6:12 pm atownley: @4byoung Yes, but that’s from your perspective, not necessarily as a way to better connect with concerns of your target audience #smchat
6:12 pm CreativeSage: RT @dc2fla: @CathyWebSavvyPR StumbleUpon=great for traffic Delicious for sharing w/customers & research #smchat
6:13 pm dc2fla: @deanmeistr ” Serving the mean” …Such a scarier thought. Gray in color #smchat
6:13 pm 4byoung: @deanmeistr Collaborative curation also important for virtual/distributed teams – an imp growth area for companies #smchat
6:13 pm karimacatherine: @deanmeistr : what businesses need is to be receptive but professionals to stop the non-sense. #smchat
6:13 pm searchguru: @karimacatherine mostly due to changes in technology and availability of Internet to mainstream #smchat
6:13 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: Keep connected/connecting & be sure to follow cool peeps you “met” here – or add em 2 lists #SMChat
6:14 pm Brioneja: @searchguru Great! I am also an oldtimer, started with social media in 1993 (the days of USENET) #smchat
6:14 pm dc2fla: RT @4byoung: @deanmeistr Collaborative curation also important for virtual/distributed teams – an imp growth area for companies #smchat
6:14 pm CreativeSage: LOL – RT @dc2fla @deanmeistr ” Serving the mean” …Such a scary thought. Gray in color. #smchat
6:14 pm karimacatherine: Special thanks to @sharonmostyn @creativesage @Gwen_Ishmael for moderating #smchat. great conversation
6:14 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: RT @dc2fla: StumbleUpon=great for traffic Delicious for sharing w/customers & research #SMChat
6:14 pm 4byoung: RT @CreativeSage: I set up a group & apps to work on #smchat #innochat & unconference ideas at
6:15 pm CathyWebSavvyPR: @searchguru let’s chat via phoneemail sometime – might have gigs to pull your skills in on? DM me? #SMChat
6:15 pm searchguru: @Brioneja yes, I started some of the first archaeology discussion lists on the Net with Listserv (and they are still active) #smchat
6:15 pm atownley: @Gwen_Ishmael Ah. Sorry I couldn’t be more specific, but I wasn’t quite sure where you were going there. Thanks for clarification #smchat
6:15 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @atownley Learning takes time & it’s difficult to move up the curve quickly while managing a brand, or developing a product, etc. #smchat
6:16 pm karimacatherine: @searchguru : Remember when I used AOL to chat or w we were using Internet 2 communicate from university 2 university #smchat
6:16 pm 4byoung: @atownley Agreed. Depends on goals particular goals of client. #smchat
6:16 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @atownley Q5 R there SM advntgs 2 spclizing I meant focusing on SM v other mktng disciplines CB helpful in getting up learning curve #smchat
6:17 pm deanmeistr: @4byoung Yes, and i think it’s a natural next step in SM maturation: Facebook Fan page is a model #smchat
6:17 pm Brioneja: @searchguru Listserv, that brings memories. You may be interested in my preso on SocialMedia of that time #smchat
6:17 pm CreativeSage: Ahem, @Brioneja @searchguru – don’t want to show you up but I used USENET, BBs, etc. BEFORE 1990s + always approached PR as SM. LOL! #smchat
6:17 pm atownley: @Gwen_Ishmael Defo agree with you there, Gwen! #smchat
6:17 pm CreativeSage: RT @dc2fla: RT @4byoung: @deanmeistr Collaborative curation also important for virtual/distributed teams – an imp growth area for companies #smchat
6:18 pm searchguru: @CreativeSage hee hee! #smchat
6:18 pm Gwen_Ishmael: @atownley No worries! I shouldn’t have tossed it out there & then dashed off-clarity suffers when I do that. 🙂 #innochat tomorrow? #smchat
6:19 pm 4byoung: RT @Gwen_Ishmael @atownley Learning takes time & it’s difficult to do quickly while managing a brand, developing product, etc. #smchat
6:19 pm mjayliebs: .@CathyWebSavvyPR @dc2fl re: StumbleUpon et al – is all traffic good traffic (quality v quantity) #smchat
6:19 pm CreativeSage: RT @searchguru: @CreativeSage hee hee! #smchat
6:20 pm searchguru: @karimacatherine Hey, I remember Prodigy and telephone modems! My lists are still run from a university server. #smchat
6:20 pm CreativeSage: RT @4byoung: RT @Gwen_Ishmael @atownley Learning takes time & it’s difficult to do quickly while managing a brand, developing product, etc. #smchat
6:20 pm DarinRMcClure: RT @dc2fla: RT @4byoung: @deanmeistr Collaborative curation also important for virtual/distributed teams – an imp growth area for companies #smchat
6:20 pm atownley: @Gwen_Ishmael We’re well used to you lobbing in grenades and then having to duck out for meetings, so don’t worry about it! 🙂 #smchat
6:21 pm deanmeistr: RT @searchguru: I remember Prodigy and telephone modems! My lists are still run from a university server. #smchat You’re talkin my language!
6:22 pm searchguru: @mjayliebs SM works best when you have est. a reputation /brand for good info. #smchat
6:23 pm CreativeSage: .@searchguru @deanmeistr We’re all going to start growing beards at this point. The Moses/Grandma Moses(es) of social networking!;-) #smchat
6:23 pm Brioneja: @CreativeSage Perhaps a blog post is needed on socialmedia history. Most people think it was invented in 2004 with MySpace #smchat
6:23 pm CreativeSage: RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage Perhaps a blog post is needed on socialmedia history. Most people think it was invented in 2004 with MySpace #smchat
6:24 pm 4byoung: @deanmeistr New data visualization tools will also help in discerning meaning from info and convos on SM #smchat
6:24 pm searchguru: Another important item to realize is that blogs are very important part of SM and strategies. #smchat
6:24 pm CreativeSage: I agree, @Brioneja – I wonder who remembers 1200 bauds (modems) – but does anyone want to read a blog post about that era?;-) #smchat
6:24 pm atownley: Absolutely! RT @searchguru: @mjayliebs SM works best when you have est. a reputation /brand for good info. #smchat
6:25 pm atownley: @searchguru But it can also be a great way to quickly establish those things if you’re consistent & deliver good content #smchat
6:25 pm searchguru: Alas, have to jump off as I need to deal with dead desktop. #smchat
6:25 pm deanmeistr: RT @4byoung: New data visualization tools will also help in discerning meaning from info and convos on SM #smchat I’m hungry for that now.
6:25 pm 4byoung: True. RT @searchguru: @mjayliebs SM works best when you have est. a reputation /brand for good info. #smchat
6:26 pm CreativeSage: RT @atownley: Absolutely! RT @searchguru: @mjayliebs SM works best when you have est. a reputation /brand for good info. #smchat
6:26 pm mjayliebs: RT @ragythomas Facebook vs Twitter: Social Media Marketing Strategy Results Analysis – fyi #smchat
6:26 pm atownley: @searchguru Good luck with that & thanks for the insights today! #smchat
6:26 pm Brioneja: @CreativeSage There is valuable information on what worked and did not work. Learning is the foundation of innovation #smchat
6:26 pm searchguru: @atownley which is how I have used Twitter to brand myself #smchat
6:27 pm deanmeistr: As always, great chat/info/inspiration…must get to next things, but I’ll check back into the #smchat stream for more nuggets from today.
6:27 pm mjayliebs: RT @searchguru: @mjayliebs SM works best when you have est. a reputation /brand for good info. #smchat yes, is SU that?
6:27 pm Brioneja: @CreativeSage in fact, socialmedia networks are becoming the “fruit flies” of service innovation #smchat
6:27 pm CreativeSage: RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage There is valuable information on what worked and did not work. Learning is the foundation of innovation #smchat
6:28 pm Brioneja: @CreativeSage the rise and fall of Friendster, Hi5, Myspace, and the fact that the mighty Google could not make Orkut work #smchat
6:28 pm searchguru: @mjayliebs I have successfully used SU for that. I am careful what I Stumblee #smchat
6:29 pm CreativeSage: That’s a colorful image LOL! RT @Brioneja In fact, socialmedia networks are becoming the “fruit flies” of service #innovation #smchat
6:29 pm atownley: Interesting (& true) analogy RT @Brioneja: in fact, socialmedia networks are becoming the “fruit flies” of service innovation #smchat
6:29 pm hacool: @sourcePOV Sorry I missed #SMCHAT today. I just got back from this morning’s meeting and will be off to another shortly.
6:30 pm jimwoodsblog: RT @CreativeSage: That’s a colorful image LOL! RT @Brioneja In fact, socialmedia networks are becoming the “fruit flies” of service #innovation #smchat
6:30 pm Brioneja: @atownley the “fruit fly” concept was used by C. Christensen in his first book “the innovator’s dilemma”. Used hard drives as models #smchat
6:30 pm searchguru: @Brioneja Orkut is still alive and kicking, just all in Portuguese and dominated by Brazilans #smchat
6:31 pm 4byoung: @deanmeistr When combined w-AR & innovations like gesture-based computing will bring profoundly diff ways of analyzing info. #smchat
6:31 pm Brioneja: @atownley Now two industries have replaced it. For products: PDA’s/Smartphones, Services: Social Media Networks #smchat
6:32 pm atownley: @Brioneja You’re right. Been awhile since I read it, but hadn’t seen it applied to SM before. Thanks for the reminder! #smchat
6:32 pm 4byoung: RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage There is valuable info on what worked & did not work. Learning is the foundation of innovation #smchat
6:32 pm CreativeSage: Indeed there is a sweet spot (or spots) between #innovation, #collaboration & #socialmedia – along with #coaching for human issues. #smchat
6:32 pm Brioneja: @searchguru I know Orkut well. I am still a member. But it was a missed opportunity by Google, having launched it before Facebook #smchat
6:33 pm atownley: @Brioneja totally agree with you on the PDA’s/Phones, but hadn’t thought about looking at services that way. Interesting. #smchat
6:33 pm PaulEllisUK: sorry missed #smchat -IMO – always room for a specialist practioner who can add deep value and understanding to a JOAT’s broad portfolio
6:34 pm 4byoung: RT @Brioneja @atownley “fruit fly” concept was used by C. Christensen in “the innovator’s dilemma”. Used hard drives as models #smchat
6:34 pm CreativeSage: RT @Wylieknowords: #St.Patrick’sDay: “God is good to the Irish, but no one else is, not even the Irish.” Austin O’Mallley #smchat
6:34 pm atownley: @PaulEllisUK Hi Paul. Very nicely stated, and I agree with you. #smchat
6:35 pm CreativeSage: RT @4byoung: RT @Brioneja @atownley “fruit fly” concept was used by C. Christensen in “the innovator’s dilemma”. Used hard drives as models #smchat
6:36 pm realize_ink: RT @PaulEllisUK #smchat -IMO – always room for a specialist practioner who can add deep value and understanding to a JOAT’s broad portfolio
6:36 pm CreativeSage: RT @PaulEllisUK: sorry missed #smchat -IMO – always room for a specialist practioner who can add deep value and understanding to a JOAT’s broad portfolio
6:38 pm CreativeSage: It seems we’ve addressed Qs at the #smchat Ning: Look fwd to transcript.
6:40 pm atownley: Thanks to everyone for the RT’s and conversation during today’s #smchat. Sorry I was late. Hope to be back next week.
6:41 pm CreativeSage: Thanks to @SharonMostyn for moderating, and thank you, everyone who participated in today’s #smchat. I appreciate all the RTs, too!
6:47 pm 2020_Innovation: @PaulEllisUK I think us JOATS would prefer to be called generalists, but so much innovation comes from transdisciplinary awareness #smchat
6:48 pm shivsiroya: RT @CreativeSage @SharonMostyn thank you both for the great discussion on #smchat today! Sparked lots of ideas
6:49 pm atownley: @2020_Innovation I find people think “generalist” is a dirty word these days though. Apperently, you’ve a different experience 🙂 #smchat
6:51 pm 2020_Innovation: @PaulEllisUK See my recent post “How to Look for Innovation Inspiration Outside of Your Industry” #smchat
6:52 pm 4byoung: RT @2020_Innovation @PaulEllisUK JOATS would prefer title generalists, but much innovation comes frm transdisciplinary awareness #smchat
6:58 pm Gwen_Ishmael: Awesome!! Thx! RT @CreativeSage: I set up a group & apps to work on #smchat #innochat & other unconference ideas at
7:02 pm pvil: RT @4byoung: @deanmeistr New data visualization tools will also help in discerning meaning from info and convos on SM #smchat
7:03 pm pvil: RT @Brioneja: @CreativeSage There is valuable information on what worked and did not work. Learning is the foundation of innovation #smchat
7:05 pm pvil: Tags interesantes hoy: #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:07 pm NinaLabs: RT @pvil: Tags interesantes hoy: #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:08 pm isidrotenorio: RT @pvil Tags interesantes hoy: #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:19 pm rosamariatorres: Tags interesantes hoy #naace2010 #jhnaace RT @pvil Tags interesantes hoy: #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:21 pm pvil: RT @CreativeSage: Indeed there is a sweet spot (or spots) between #innovation, #collaboration & #socialmedia – along with #coaching for human issues. #smchat
7:22 pm pvil: RT @rosamariatorres: Tags interesantes hoy #naace2010 #jhnaace RT @pvil Tags interesantes hoy: #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:22 pm NinaLabs: Gracias por RT @rosamariatorres / Tags interesantes hoy #Metaplacement #smchat #disuoc #radioactivos
7:25 pm 2020_Innovation: RT @CreativeSage: Indeed there is a sweet spot (or spots) between #innovation, #collaboration & #socialmedia – along with #coaching for human issues. #smchat
7:27 pm pvil: RT @CreativeSage: It seems we’ve addressed Qs at the #smchat Ning: Look fwd to transcript.
7:54 pm DrewCM: RT @CreativeSage: I set up a group & apps to work on #smchat #innochat & other unconference ideas at
8:10 pm correlationist: New data: YouTube Is Huge: 24 Hours of Video Now Uploaded Every Minute /via @mashable RT @TechZader #smchat
8:33 pm CreativeSage: Thanks for RT @DrewCM @Gwen_Ishmael: I set up a group & apps to collab. on #smchat #innochat & unconf. ideas at #smchat
9:46 pm StephanieSAM: @sharonmostyn Looks like it went well! So delighted to discover your #SMChat! How can I help?
10:00 pm bpluskowski: RT @correlationist: New data: YouTube Is Huge: 24 Hours of Video Now Uploaded Every Minute /via @mashable RT @TechZader #smchat
11:24 pm cesarinou: RT @CreativeSage: ..The strategy element of SM is how to move most effectively to reach specific business goals – ROE (engagement) as well as ROI. #smchat

While I have to admit that there were some technical difficulties – TweetChat was down and I was locked out of Twitter for the end of the chat because I posted too many times – I can’t wait for this week’s #SMChat as well as the next time I moderate, on April 21st! I look forward to seeing you each Wednesday from 1-2:30P ET to continue the conversation!

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